Kiaan Maharaj: A Rising Star in International Junior Golf

Grade 4, Teneo student, Kiaan Maharaj has already made waves in the world of junior golf that many seasoned players would envy. Let’s take a look at his incredible achievements from the past season:
Tournament Success
In the past season alone, Kiaan has participated in a remarkable 25 tournament rounds across 4 different events, achieving outstanding results:
  • 19 Podium Finishes
  • 10 Wins
  • 7 Second Place Finishes
  • 2 Third Place Finishes
These achievements are nothing short of staggering for any golfer, especially one so young.
Championship Titles
Kiaan has consistently proven himself as a force to be reckoned with in his age group:- He is the UAE Champion for US Kids Golf UAE two years in a row, dominating over 6 rounds.
– He clinched the ‘Trump Junior Order of Merit Series’ for the second time, triumphing over 8 rounds.
– In the DASSA (Dubai Schools League), he swept all 3 tournaments for Primary School.
Beyond the Fairway
His dedication to golf is matched only by his commitment to academic excellence. Kiaan has been homeschooled to accommodate his rigorous training and tournament schedule, demonstrating an impressive balance between sports and studies.
Recognition and Future Prospects
Recently featured in Golf Digest Magazine and interviewed by WorldWide Golf Magazine Middle East, Kiaan’s achievements are gaining well-deserved recognition. His passion for golf and his proud South African heritage are evident in every swing he takes, whether on the greens of Dubai or beyond.
Looking Ahead
For Kiaan Maharaj, this is just the beginning of what promises to be an illustrious journey in golf. As he continues to hone his skills and nurture his love for the game, we eagerly anticipate more remarkable accomplishments from this young prodigy.Join us in celebrating Kiaan’s achievements and wishing him all the best in his future endeavors on and off the course. His journey is one to watch closely as he paves the way for the next generation of golfing stars. 

Kicking to Victory: Teneo Student Makes SA National Kickboxing Team

We are very excited to report that our Grade 8 Teneo student Diphale Kgosietsile Phillips has successfully represented the North West province for Kick Boxing over the last few months culminating in his attendance at Nationals in late April.


Diphale participated in the Kickboxing North West Trials earlier this year in January and won first place for the kick light category, and second place for light contact category. He then qualified for semi finals and went to the North Gauteng trials where 7 provinces participated and achieved a gold medal for kick light and bronze for light contact. Then, he was selected to represent the North West province by participating in the National trials which took place on 25th-28th of April in Potchefstroom. At Nationals he competed in the semi and kick light categories, overall placing 4th with the judges recommending him for the South Africa Kick Boxing National Team. While this is an already phenomenal achievement, it is even more outstanding considering he only started in the sport less than six months ago.


His parents Kgomotso and Michael Phillips had this to say: “We as parents and his coaches at Red Dragon together with all North West Kick Boxing teams are very proud of his success considering that he has less than six months in the sport. We also thank his Red Dragon team mates for sharing their skills and experience during practice and Xavier for endless weekend practices and coaches for their endless support and guidance. We also thank Teneo for giving us the platform to share our experiences with our online parents and for allowing us time off for the competition.”


We’re so proud of you Diphale and we can’t wait to see you left-right-hook and roundhouse kick your way to victory again!


We’re always delighted to see our students take advantage of the extra time and flexibility they get with Teneo online school to really push themselves and excel at their hobbies and passions.


Thea B Hello Peter Parent Review

The teachers at Teneo are extremely competent and bring a level of excellence to South Africa’s educational system that’s unheard of, setting a new standard, for a new generation, this is where education and technology meet and the future is nothing but bright for our leaders of tomorrow.

High School Ice Skater Shines at International Competition 

We want to extend massive congratulations to our Grade 12 student and super-skater Madison DeMink on her huge successes over the past months.

Figure skating is a beautiful and demanding sport (and art!), requiring dedication, passion and teamwork.  Madison has shown commitment  and effort to get to the top level of this sport, and we are so proud to see it all pay off for her with some superb wins. 

In December 2023, Madison travelled to the Czech Republic to represent South Africa in synchronised skating, coming in 7th place with Team South Africa! She has also represented Western Province at the South African National Figure Skating competition, in both Synchronised Skating and Advanced Novice Solo Ice Skating,  winning first place in Synchronised Skating, and was crowned the Solo Ice Skating champion for her category! 

We are delighted to watch Madison flourish in this sport that she is so passionate about, and we hope she inspires you to work towards your own dreams and passions, whatever they may be. We’ll leave you with a quote from Madison on her online school experience and how Teneo has helped her to manage her rigorous schooling and sporting schedule.

44 Years in the Classroom: Adapting Teaching in the Digital Age

We know that one of the most important elements of success for an online school is the team of teachers, and the efforts they make to engage and motivate students. One of our wonderful Primary School teachers, Ansie Schlecter, has been teaching students for 44 years now! We asked her how the classroom has evolved over the years, and how online schooling has informed the way she teaches her classes.


Hi Ansie, you have been teaching for 44 years now, how has it evolved over those years? 

During my many years of teaching in South Africa and abroad, I have learned that the basic needs of all children will always be the same. Children need to be unconditionally accepted and feel loved and safe in a caring environment. They need boundaries and will accept structured discipline if it is fairly applied and done from a place of love and guidance.  


“There is no limit to the resources”


Teaching methods and curriculum content have seen vast improvement, and children are being brought up in a more stimulating environment than years ago. While they have a wider and richer perception in terms of sensory experience, more is expected of them at an earlier age. They are privileged to grow up with technology, improving their intellectual skills tremendously. There is no limit to the resources they have. Years ago, the access that children had to further their knowledge was not what it is today.  


Online schooling eliminated the need for a  “physical classroom” – and being a different environment, it calls for a different approach.  We pay special attention to each child’s physical and mental well-being by adapting our teaching skills to incorporate these important elements.  Many children grow up with a single parent or they have parents that work all day.and some children are on their own after school.  


Each household comes with its own challenges – and with this being an online audience – we pay special heed to the needs of our children to ensure they get the best care and support that we can offer.  


What drives you as a teacher? 

The look in children’s eyes when they understand and make learning material their own; that sparkle! Also, the contentment and happiness that looks like an aura around them in class when they eagerly absorb the new and interesting knowledge. 


“To make learning an interesting and fun experience, is my driving force each day.”


 Joanne Cass wrote about children: “The days that make us happy, make us wise.” A school day should be something to look forward to, every day. Every day spent teaching children is a happy day for me! 


What grades do you enjoy teaching most? 

I enjoy teaching Grade 1 or Grade 2 most. Teaching a child the basic skills, to do Mathematics, to read and write, to be able to share and write down what they experience is very fulfilling. Their reading skills are very important, because I believe reading is like breathing, you must do it!  


Making children aware of the wonderful world around them, leading them down the various paths their learning will take them is, in my opinion, both a calling and a privilege.  Watching them learn and understand the “magic” of Science, History and Geography; teaching them computer skills in ICT; introducing them to different Art techniques and leading them to create their own Artwork; witnessing their growth as each year comes to pass… This, to me, is the magic of teaching.  


How has online teaching been a game changer? Has it changed the way you teach? 

Covid changed the face of online schooling, due to the rising need for it.  In some ways online teaching is very similar to classroom teaching, however, online teaching is an absolute game-changer.  As with conventional schooling, the children arrive in class and the teacher guides and teaches them! 


“With the platform of technology at our disposal, the possibilities are endless!”


Children are very privileged to have excellent teachers and vast amounts of resources at their fingertips. It is much more demanding to teach online, as teachers have to prepare extensively in order to stimulate learners and provide interesting and successful lessons. At the same time, it is also much more rewarding as children can learn and grow in many more directions and ways! Children can be anywhere in the world and still have access to the best education at Teneo.  


Online school allows talented learners who excel in sports to travel and take part in events anywhere in South Africa or abroad without sacrificing their academic progress. In many cases parents can travel abroad to pursue their careers without any disruption in schooling for their children. We live in a global village, and we can broaden the horizons of children by embracing the opportunity to discuss the cultures of other countries with the children living there now. Children are exposed to so much more at a much earlier age, thanks to the wonderful opportunities provided by Teneo Online School. 



Students Choice: Celebrating Teneo’s Top Teachers!

Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.– Bill Gates

One of the biggest assets of any online classroom, and any online school, is its teachers. A good teacher will offer guidance and support, but more than that they’ll provide a safe, engaging and productive space where each student can thrive. And at Teneo online school we could not be prouder of our team of amazing teachers. 

Each member of our team of teachers understands the nuances of teaching in an online school, and of managing virtual classrooms. They’re experienced and adept at bridging any digital distance, to create lively and interactive learning spaces that ensure every student can thrive and succeed. 

In December, we asked our students and parents to nominate a teacher they wanted to express their gratitude to, for making their Teneo online schooldays a pleasure, and helping them to achieve their best. Let’s see how some of our wonderful teachers help to shape our students’ experience here at Teneo…

Noelle Hackney (English)


“She is very kind, loving, patient and humble. The knowledge and life lessons she taught me is something I will forever remember and cherish. She made learning so much easier.” 

Mari-Lize de Villiers (Maths)


“Not only did she have the kids actively engaged and learning with her passion for her subject, but as a parent I loved listening to her lessons just as much. My son looked forward to maths every day” 

Matthew Visser (Coding) 


“He truly enjoys teaching, and loves his students. I always looked forward to attending his classes, and a teacher like him makes you want to turn your camera on! (which is a good thing!!) He’s an awesome person and I hope he is my teacher again next year.”

Student Chef, Uvile Mvaphantsi, Featured in SA Chef Magazine

We want to celebrate an amazing achievement by one of our talented Grade 10 students, the Chief Chef himself, Uvile Mvaphantsi. Uvile is a passionate and innovative chef, centring his culinary creations around quality local flavours and produce.


Recently he has been featured – along with two of his recipes – in a double page spread in the prestigious SA Chef magazine! Pick up a copy today, or see below, to try his recipe for Spicy Samp and Beans, or Amarenth and Honeysuckle cake. 


Congratulations Chef Uvile, it looks like you have found your recipe for success!

Sydney Lombard Wins Gold in KZN Athletics Championships

Once again congratulations are due to our Grade 11 student, Sydney Lombard! Sydney continues to excel in Athletics – this time at the KZN Athlietics Championships. held in Pietermaritzburg on the 1 – 3 March. Sydney won Gold in the U17 Javelin event, Silver in the U17 Discus, and Bronze in the U17 hammer event. 

Sydney has been making headlines in athletics events for years now, and it’s just fantastic to see just how well all her training, dedication and hard work is paying off. Her commitment is a real testament to her, and we look forward to seeing where her skills and talent will take her next!

The Teneo family is always so thrilled to see our students achieve great things. As an online school, we understand the importance of fostering a strong community spirit among our students – and so much of that is down to students like Sydney.  It is inspiring to witness so many of our students using the extra time and flexibility you have with online school to train hard and excel at your hobbies and pursuits, win competitions, and be recognised for your incredible talent and skill. We really couldn’t be more proud.

Shining a Spotlight on Women Making History

Did you know that Mozart had a sister, who was considered to have been as talented – if not more talented than him? That some people think it’s possible she was even the composer of some of his pieces?  And did you know that Einstein didn’t actually come up with the theory of relativity on his own, but rather in full collaboration with his scientist wife, Mileva? 


Throughout history, women have played roles in some of our greatest feats of culture, art, science, architecture and more, but have not made it into the history books. But that’s changing, and as more and more women become historians and begin to look at the untold stories of women, and to tell them, that’s changing. 


To mark Women’s History Month, we asked our wonderful history teacher Hester Harmse what drew her to history, and why she thinks it’s important…


Hester, why do you think it is important to teach History at school?


History shows students models of good and responsible citizenship. It also teaches us to learn from our mistakes committed in the past . Through this we learn to examine ourselves and improve the world we live in. History equips us with the qualities we require to understand: compassion and tolerance. Through history, students students make sense of the past whilst coming into contact with other cultures and societies and in this way they gain knowledge and life skills,.   


Where did your love of History come from?


My passion for History started at a very young age. My Grandfather participated in the Boer War from the beginning of the 1900s. As grandchildren, we often visited them. He always used to entertain us with his stories and events that happened during the Anglo Boer War. I used to sit at his feet and listen to these stories and voila! my journey of love for history started then. During my primary school years, I couldn’t get enough reading materials about what happened in the past. During my high school years, I had the most boring History teacher. It was during those years that I decided I want to became a history teacher, but never a boring one. I was always a very inquisitive person. Always wanted to know more about the past. I studied history and it opened new and exciting worlds to me. The need for knowledge was and still is the reason why I became an educator. I want to open new worlds and knowledge to my students, demonstrating the importance of knowing the past to make the present and the future a better place. I visited a lot of different historical sites, which made history real. Now I can share these stories and experiences with my students. Some of my students have  even followed in my footsteps and we continue to share our knowledge with each other.

Teneo Students Represent South Africa in Ice Hockey

We are proud of our Teneo students, Matthew (Grade 11) and Franco (Grade 12), who recently represented South Africa at the 2024 IIHF Ice Hockey U20 World Championship in Sarajevo in January and will soon be playing in Cape Town for the National U18 Team in March.


The World Championship was a wonderful experience, with lessons in team support, time management and taking on a massive challenge, all while meeting schoolwork deadlines.


Well done, Matthew and Franco!!


Teneo gives talented kids like Matthew and Franco the time to pursue other talents and shine, through our flexible learning formats.
