Students Choice: Celebrating Teneo’s Top Teachers!

Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.– Bill Gates

One of the biggest assets of any online classroom, and any online school, is its teachers. A good teacher will offer guidance and support, but more than that they’ll provide a safe, engaging and productive space where each student can thrive. And at Teneo online school we could not be prouder of our team of amazing teachers. 

Each member of our team of teachers understands the nuances of teaching in an online school, and of managing virtual classrooms. They’re experienced and adept at bridging any digital distance, to create lively and interactive learning spaces that ensure every student can thrive and succeed. 

In December, we asked our students and parents to nominate a teacher they wanted to express their gratitude to, for making their Teneo online schooldays a pleasure, and helping them to achieve their best. Let’s see how some of our wonderful teachers help to shape our students’ experience here at Teneo…

Noelle Hackney (English)


“She is very kind, loving, patient and humble. The knowledge and life lessons she taught me is something I will forever remember and cherish. She made learning so much easier.” 

Mari-Lize de Villiers (Maths)


“Not only did she have the kids actively engaged and learning with her passion for her subject, but as a parent I loved listening to her lessons just as much. My son looked forward to maths every day” 

Matthew Visser (Coding) 


“He truly enjoys teaching, and loves his students. I always looked forward to attending his classes, and a teacher like him makes you want to turn your camera on! (which is a good thing!!) He’s an awesome person and I hope he is my teacher again next year.”



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News from our community

How is Teneo different from other online schools?

Teneo provides a superior alternative to brick-and-mortar schooling with teacher-led, real-time school from the comfort of home. With qualified teachers providing live lessons students are able to engage with their teachers and peers in an interactive setting.

School is available in three different formats: Recorded, Live + Recorded, and Live.

Can you complete your South African National Senior Certificate with Teneo Online School?

Yes. You have the option to choose between two different examination boards – SACAI or the IEB – in order to complete your Matric.

After I complete my Matric with Teneo, will I be able to apply to South African tertiary institutions for further studies?

Yes, once you successfully complete your Matric certification, you may apply to tertiary institutions in South Africa and abroad.

Will I be eligible for local and international universities?

Yes, once you successfully complete your Matric certification, you may apply to tertiary institutions in South Africa and abroad.