How to activate your account on the Teneo
Learner Portal (add your account on)
Activate your account by clicking on the button in the email you received titled [Your Teneo Online School login details]. Once you have created your own password, you will access the Teneo Learner Portal at where you will see your apps. Watch the video to learn how to activate your account on the Teneo Learner Portal.

How to log in to the Teneo
Learner Portal and reset
your password
Once you have activated your account, you would need to log back in to the Teneo Learner Portal. Watch the video below to learn how to easily log back in.

How to join live lessons and
watch pre-recorded classes
using Zoom
You will need to click on the Zoom app in the Teneo Learner Portal to join your classes and watch lessons in Canvas. Here's a quick explainer: